
Coming up: Leiden EM-meeting with Prof. Alessandro Vannini

We are happy to invite you to the next Leiden EM-meeting with Prof. Alessandro Vannini.


Alessandro Vannini is currently based at the Human Technopole in Milan and will speak about ‘Transcriptional and extra-transcriptional roles of the RNA Polymerase III machinery in genome function and organisation’


RNA polymerase (Pol) III transcribes essential RNAs, including tRNAs, the 5S rRNA and the U6 snRNA, with the help of transcription factors TFIIIB and TFIIIC.Recent findings point to a broader role of the Pol III apparatus in several processes, such as retrotransposon's integration, nucleosome positioning, global and sub-nuclear organization and cytoplasmic sensing of DNA viruses. These "extra-transcriptional" functions depend on coordinated interactions between the Pol III apparatus and other macromolecular machineries, including retrotrasposon intasomes, chromatin remodellers and SMC complexes. Using an integrative structural biology approach, we aim to unveil the molecular basis of the transcriptional and extra-transcriptional roles of RNA Polymerase III machinery’.


The meeting will take place on Thursday the 30th of May at 15:30 in room DM0.21 of the Gorlaeus building (Einsteinweg 55 in Leiden) with a ‘borrel’ afterwards.


You can use the livestream link if you are unable to be there in person but would like to participate anyway:


We’ll see you on the 30th!